Fluffy White Frosting
2.29 CAD
https://product-images.metro.ca/images/h57/hd9/11714255323166.jpg Top your cake off with delicious Betty Crocker Whipped Frosting and make your cake that much sweeter! • Gluten free. • Betty Crocker tested and approved! • Ready to spread! • Delicious every time! • Tastes like home-made! Betty Crocker 065633074187
Whipped Fluffy White Frosting 340 g
Betty Crocker

Fluffy White Frosting, Whipped

340 g
$2.29  ea.
$0.67 /100g
Alcoholic products are available for pickup between 7am and 11pm.
Whipped Fluffy White Frosting 340 g

Fluffy White Frosting, Whipped


