Mixed Berry Flavoured Sports Drink
1.79 CAD
https://product-images.metro.ca/images/hb3/haa/13067122343966.jpg Powerade XIon4 has a new and improved taste profile added to the existing: a great tasting lineup of mixed berries and the extra benefit of B12 vitamins makes Powerade XIon4 a sports drink of choice. It has a new addition of vitamins B3 that aids in normal growth and development; vitamins B6 which helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins; and B12 which helps to form red blood cells. Powerade XIon4 is the only sports drink that offers the benefits of B vitamins while hydrating and still tastes great Powerade 067000004858
Xion4 Mixed Berry Flavoured Sports Drink 710 mL

Mixed Berry Flavoured Sports Drink, Xion4

710 mL
$1.79  ea.
$0.25 /100ml
Alcoholic products are available for pickup between 7am and 11pm.
Xion4 Mixed Berry Flavoured Sports Drink 710 mL

Mixed Berry Flavoured Sports Drink, Xion4


